The Bread of Life Ministry began shortly after the church started with 2 or 3 trays of bread every couple weeks. As our congregation started reaching out and meeting the needs of others with the small amount, it took off. It is now a growing ministry we use to meet a need in our communities and local churches.

The Bread of Life Pantry is here to help meet the needs of many families and some churches and organizations. While providing many food products we ask that all only take what you can use. This helps us meet and fulfill James 1:27, Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world”.

Get Involved

We are always looking for volunteers to help pick-up, organize and serve the community.
If you are interested in volunteering,
get in contact with us:


Receive Bread

If you’re part of church or organization and you would
like to pick-up trays of bread to give in your
community, church or organization, fill out the
PDF below and get it back to us.
We will reach out to you and help.